Innovation in Schools, for School Staff and Students

If creativity is the generation of new ideas, innovation is when new ideas take form.

Today’s most innovative schools place great value on teamwork, open communication, and the effective use of information technologies. 

With fast-paced advancements in technology and changing landscapes in our communities, schoolteachers, administrators, and students must continually develop new skills. 

These courses explore the latest approaches in school administration and classroom management, to help principals, teachers, and students practice critical thinking, positive decision-making, and problem-solving.

The following courses are offered in collaboration with Europass Teacher Academy.

Europass is the largest European provider of teacher training courses. With roughly 50 collaborators and over 25 courses starting every month, they have trained over 20.000 teachers, administrators and support staff over the last 10 years.

Prices will be different from the one displayed in the links. Please contact us ( for a  price quotation.

Web Solutions for the Classroom

This course is specifically designed for teachers who wish to expand their knowledge of using ICT in the classroom. The course will present web tools such as Edmodo, Google educational tools, online Quizzes, audiovisual resources and many others.

Tablets and Smartphones: Using Mobile Devices as Educational Tools

The course aims to introduce participants to an inspiring and efficient use of laptops, tablets and smartphones in the classroom. They will learn how to incorporate technology into their lessons to foster collaboration, motivation and learning

Photo and Video Making in your Classroom: The Educational Power of Multimedia

The course presents the most effective devices and free software for designing and producing videos, photos and sounds, with the aim of integrating these audiovisual resources into traditional and flipped classes.

They will learn how to collect professional and safe online resources, upload and share materials online, manage audio and photo resources, add subtitles to a video and much more.

Our School Radio! Podcasts and New Media as an Educational Tool

Podcasts and new media are accessible and engaging tools that can be used by teachers to explore topics and create a sense of community in the classroom and in the school. By the end of the course participants will be able to prepare Educational Web Radio Episodes and start a web radio program in his classes and at his school.

Integrating Creativity and Innovation into Teaching

The course aims to train teachers on the application of creative methods and innovative solutions in their classroom. Participants will gain practical experience related to critical and creative thinking, ICT in education, and students’ social skills.

Maker Spaces in Education: Getting Started

Participants will be introduced to the innovative Makerspaces concept, which is a place which connects science lab, woodworking, computer lab, and the art room, where the students can build, create, experiment, invent, in the framework of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) education programs .

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